Hearing Center

Hearing Loss Symptom Checker

The first signs of hearing loss can be subtle and emerge slowly, or can be significant and appear suddenly.

Being aware of the early signs of hearing loss is key to identifying any problem you may be having.

There are different types of hearing loss with differing degrees of severity, but you may have a hearing loss even if you experience one or more of the below hearing loss signs.

  • Can hear people speaking but you are unable to understand what they are saying
  • Do you frequently have to ask people to repeat what they have said
  • Do you have difficulty working out where sounds are coming from
  • Have your friends and family noticed that you have the TV or radio turned up too high
  • Can you hear clearly with lots of background noise, like restaurants, social events, football games
  • Do you strain to hear at a distance such as in a theatre or church
  • Do you complain that others are mumbling
  • Do you hear the doorbell or telephone
  • Do you have a history of exposure to loud noise, working in construction, loud music, sirens, heavy machinery 

If you have experienced any of the symptoms above, we recommend you come in for a hearing evaluation.

We also recommend an evaluation even if you don’t have symptoms but fall within any of the categories below.

  • You're over 50 and have never had a hearing test
  • It's more than a year since your last hearing test
  • You have a hearing aid but you don't use it
  • Family and friends tell you they are worried about your hearing
  • You have a family history of hearing loss
  • You have a history of exposure to loud noise, such as working in the construction, entertainment industry, with heavy equipment, around sirens
Willis Knighton Health